Healthy Hot Chocolate Recipe

Now then – this is a bit special.  By no means is this the kind of hot chocolate that you smother with squirty cream and marshmallows – this is not for wee little children or people who think that white chocolate is chocolate (it’s not my sweet).

This a decadent, rich, grown up hot chocolate.  It’s also good for you but that’s by the by when you sit down and treat yourself to a big cup of deliciousness.

Made with raw cacao and fresh lavender, there’s something almost ceremonial about the flavour.  And it’s so easy to make.

Some of the ingredients may sound a bit strange but all are available from most supermarkets or health food shops.

You will need

1 table spoon raw cacao powder

1 table spoon coconut sugar

1 teaspoon maple syrup

1 cup almond milk

Few drops vanilla extract

2 heads of fresh lavender


  • Apart from the lavender, combine all.the ingredients in a pan
  • Remove the flowers from one of the lavender heads and add to the mixture
  • Heat gently, stirring so that the ingredients combine
  • Once piping hot, taste to see if more sweetness is needed.  The coconut sugar doesn’t sweeten very much, more it adds a burnt caramel flavour.  So add more maple syrup to taste if required
  • Blend or use a milk frother
  • Heat again if needed.
  • Pour into a cup and garnish with lavender.

Far removed from the synthetic hot chocolate powders we all know and love, raw cacao powder is actually a superfood.  It contains magnesium which contributes to healthy psychological function and copper which boosts the immune system and metabolism.

Perfect for this time of year, when you’re still full of enthusiasm for New Year’s resolutions, but it’s bloomin’ freezing outside and you need a sit down with something hot and chocolatey.

Love Rachel ❤️

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