Did you adopt a sourdough starter during lockdown? Is it still alive? I tried to start my own a couple of times but never really built up enough lift, so I was pleased to receive some starter from my friends the Nels.
But restarting my sourdough journey means that I once again need to address the issue of discard. When you make sourdough bread, you end up throwing away a lot of starter. In the past I didn’t discard any. I just kept feeding and feeding my starter until I ended up with bowls and bowls of bubbling gloop, none of which produced a decent bread. This time I’m going to follow the ‘rules of sourdough’ and discard as I go. Thankfully you can make plenty of things with discard and this recipe alone is worth the effort of maintaining a starter.
You will need *makes around 8 small/medium pancakes
100g self raising flour
130ml milk
1 teaspoon of caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
100g sourdough starter discard
1 egg
25g unsalted butter
- If you don’t have time then don’t worry but if you can, remove your discard about an hour before making your pancakes. Leave it out to get bubbly
- In a bowl whisk together all of the ingredients except for the butter
- Whisk until smooth and silky
- Brown your butter in a pan. This basically means melting the butter and then cooking it gently until it browns. You don’t want to burn it though, and if you’re not sure then you can just melt it
- Whisk the mixture and while whisking, slowly pour the butter into the mix
- Spray a frying pan or hot plate with a little sunflower oil
- Spoon small amounts of mixture on to the pan/plate in rounds. Don’t squash it down and leave space in between each round
- Cook until you see bubbles and then gently flip over and cook the other side
- Sometimes I flip them back over again for a browner finish
These pancakes taste like biscuits, they really do. Eat them by themselves or with maple syrup, fruit or yoghurt – delicious.
This recipe is enough for two people. It might not seem so but these are quite heavy pancakes – not a light breakfast at all! So make up this amount and see how you get on, if you need more then simply make another batch.
Love Rachel ❤