Walnut Wishes

I’ve always been a fan of fortune cookies.  I love the idea that fate somehow brings you the message inside.

I wanted to create something that drew upon the idea of of receiving a message meant only for you, but rather than advice or profound words of wisdom I liked the idea of a wish.

My favourite crafts are the ones that make good use of materials that would otherwise be discarded, and at Christmas time we produce a lot of ‘nut waste’.  No really, we go through tonnes of nuts!  So I decided to make a little something from walnut shells.

You will need

Walnut shells

Gold paint


Paper and pen

Glue gun – you could use other glue but a glue gun works best


  • Firstly try to keep the Walnut shells in pairs – it’s hard to work out which ones fit together otherwise
  • Clean and dry the Walnut shells
  • Paint the outside of the shells with gold paint

  • Allow to dry
  • Cut a piece of ribbon approximately 10cm / 4″ long
  • Fold the ribbon in half and glue the ends inside one of the shell halves
  • Write your wish on a piece of paper and roll or fold until very small
  • Slot the wish into the other shell half

  • Glue the two halves together

You could hang the wishes on your Christmas tree, on some trips or branches, display them in a bowl or use as part of a table setting.  To open, simply pull the two halves apart and see what wish is inside.  We’ll be opening our wishes on New Year’s Eve but wouldn’t they be lovely at a Christmas or Winter Solstice celebration.

Love Rachel ❤





1 comment

  1. This is such a lovely idea🌹 we had walnuts with little gemstones in them instead of Christmas crackers this year. The kids are both at the age where they absolutely treasure little colourful shiny stones 😊

    My folks have a walnut tree so we were gifted a big bag of walnuts and we’d saved some shells to make walnut babies but must try this with some too.

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