Flower Bombs

I know I’m not alone in my love/hate relationship with Easter eggs.

Mum loves chocolate, but Mum also likes to think that she encourages healthy eating to her children. Easter eggs kind of scupper that. One year Beth received 22 Easter eggs from the Easter bunny, family and friends. TWENTY TWO!
That’s almost enough to make anyone hate Easter eggs.  I said almost ?

One thing I really do hate, is junk mail. I HATE it. I wish there was a way to legally prevent it being put through my door.
This year we’re avoiding chocolate overload and upcycling junk mail by making and giving our family these little gifts. They’re seed bombs.

Beth and I learned to make seed bombs in the Weleda tent at last year’s Just So Festival. At the time Dorothy was too little to take part but this time she got thoroughly involved.
It’s a squidgy, sloppy sensory delight for little ones, a cathartic reworking of bills and junk mail for adults and the finished product, a seed bomb is thrown onto a flower bed where it slowly disintegrates allowing the seeds to plant themselves.

We’ve chosen bee and butterfly friendly seeds such as lavender and calendula but any annual seeds will do.

Dottie pointed to the curly seeds and announced “my not actually like that”
To be fair they do look a bit maggot-esque!  The rest of the process seemed to be enjoyed by both my toddler and my teen ?

You will need

Empty egg boxes
Junk mail
Coloured card or paper


  • Tear your waste paper into little pieces and place in a large bowl
  • Fill the bowl with water and allow to stand for a few hours – overnight is better
  • Blend the soggy paper until it’s all mushy – I use a hand blender
  • Pass the mixture through a sieve to get rid of most of the water
  • Add your seeds- how many is up to you.
  • Stir and squish the mixture into the seeds are evenly distributed
  • Take a handful of the mixture and squeeze out as much of the water as you can. Mould into an egg shape and squeeze again
  • Allow to dry out which takes about 2 days
  • Use a coordinating piece of coloured card or paper to cover the product information inside your egg box

  • Fill the box with your environmentally friendly gift and decorate.

Love Rachel ❤


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