The Fairy Garden – Spring 2021

I thought I’d take a quick look back and give you a little peek at how the fairy garden looks, in Spring 2021.
It’s incredible to see how much has changed in such a short period of time!
All I’ve done is clear out the bulk of the grass, thrown down lots of seeds and watched as the magic begins to happen.

So far we have an abundance of primroses, violas and dead nettles and a few honesty plants and forget-me-nots and of course the odd dandelion!  We’re also at risk of being over run by ox-eye daisies.  They’re just foliage at the moment but as there are so many, I may need to dig up a few to allow the other seedlings some room.

There are still some bare patches but I know from last year how quickly new flowers can suddenly appear – still I’m trying to resist the urge to over seed – again!  I’ve sourced some yellow rattle seeds for where the grass is still a problem and I’m hoping that helps to fight it off as my intention is to avoid weeding as much as possible.

As you can see we’ve laid a rustic path to replace the stepping stones.  This will make it so much easier to walk down through the garden once the wildflowers really start to grow.  The path is made from reclaimed victorian cobbles that a friend dug out of her garden.  Once upon a time these cobbles would have made up the road that ran in front of a local Church, now they’re my path, laid with love by Mr P.

The timing of our flowering plants and trees is working just as I’d hoped.  The camelia has almost finished flowering and as the flowering currant is going over, the cherry tree is blossoming blousily and hot on its heels is the lilac.

The roses are looking healthy, even one that I thought I’d killed by moving it from one of the other gardens and already the space is noisy with bees and birds.

We haven’t spotted any frog spawn yet but since we’ve made the garden as wildlife friendly as possible – we’re hoping that a little frog chooses us for neighbours very soon.

This little tree stump bench is my favourite place to sit with a nice cup of tea and I can’t imagine that changing any time soon!

Love Rachel ❤

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