Are you taking part in Veganuary? I’m not but for a multitude of reasons I’m trying to include more meat-free meals in our family’s diet. The girls and I are quite happy with meat free meals but Mr P is not quite so convinced. One thing we all like though is houmous and here is my houmous recipe.
If you’re looking for a new way to enjoy it, can I recommend this. It’s not so much a recipe as a flavour combonation but it’s so delicious that it’s worth sharing with you.
You will need
Slices of soda bread
Vine tomatoes
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Dried oregano
Salt and pepper
- Rinse the tomatoes but keep them on the vine – they look prettier that way
- Drizzle the tomatoes with a little oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and dried oregano
- Roast in the oven on a medium heat until the skins begin to split
- Gently toast your soda bread
- Spread a generous amount of houmous on to each slice
- Add the tomatoes
- Drizzle the balsamic / olive oil mixture from the roasting dish over the tip
It’s a delicious dish and the roasted tomatoes are great on all sorts of things from soups to warm salads.
Love Rachel ❤